March 2011...after the circus :)

Interesting events

The daily blah, blah, blah to follow...
Currently playing catch up on life! Documenting the last few months is going to take a while!

Monday, June 23, 2008

My last entry from the here I come!

24 weeks, 2 days! Today was the day...plans have been made. I had an ultrasound and hospital planning session. The ultrasound was fun for a change. Both babies were measured and they checked the usual blood vessels. All looks great. Baby A weighs in at 1 pound 9 ounces, which is 24 weeks and 4 days. The tech got some cute shots of her...she is starting to look like a real baby now :) See how cute ?

Baby B weighs in at 1 pound 13 ounces, which is 25 weeks and 1 day! Yeah, Baby B! Since she will need a procedure on her heart, we need her to be as big as possible...looks like she is going to cooperate and just might be the bigger of the two :) Here's some cute "real" baby shots of her too :)

Dr. Paek was very pleased with their growth and my coninued stability. However, now that I have reached past the 24 week mark, she is nervous that preterm labor might kick in, or an infection will start while I am home. She wants us to be prepared as possible. So.....Evergreen it is. We will check me in this Wednesday, June 25 around 4 PM. They will give me steroid shots to help the babies' lungs function and monitor them for growth and stress. The summer weather is supposed to finally kick in this weekend, so I will be comfy in my A/C :) I will have my own room with WIFI and DVD player and lots and lots of "ME" time. Ok, I have to admit it sounds good for a while, but I'm sure it will get old fast. That's ok, a little boredom and uneventful time is what we need to cook these babies as long as possible.

Next report to be from my sweet suite at, I never thought I'd be spending my summer vacation in Kirkland, WA, woohoo!