Today's progress...
Summer loves to hold her stuffed animals...she is still a little too puffy to open her eyes very well so she does her Japanese Anime smile look when she tries :)
Summer is still consistently improving. Today they have been weaning her oxygen and as of 10:30 PM tonight she was down to 28%, her blood gases have been great, she has had less blood pressure medications. They were going to do a spinal tap, but put it off since they had a lot of very sick babies to take care of. I went to visit this afternoon and she opened her eyes when I talked to her. She has continued to fill her diaper up and looks a lot less puffy. She still has a little bit of fluid on her lungs, but is losing it. The nurse is very happy with the progress she had and continues with. Summer is now 5 pounds and growing. Her nurse is impressed with her rate of growth, especially since she has been on IV nutrition for the majority of the time...most preemies on TPN don't grow very quickly..Summer is gaining weight at a good rate :) She is expecting Summer will continue growing more intestine. Things seem to be going in the right direction despite the temporary set backs...She is definitely showing how tough she can be!