March 2011...after the circus :)

Interesting events

The daily blah, blah, blah to follow...
Currently playing catch up on life! Documenting the last few months is going to take a while!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting ready for Summer...the baby :) *with revised toe shot...ewe


Can you guess what this is? No it is not part of my Halloween Costume...


After nail polish removed...pretty eh? I have been getting Summer's room ready, I sustained a lovely injury. I was moving a bookshelf and one of the shelves fell out and landed on my big toe...OUCH! It is quite a nice color combination, if we were celebrating the 4th of July! I am afraid to take off the lovely red nail polish (embellished by the touches of pink I can't seem to scrub away from Summer's room) to reveal what lurks below...I will, and I will share it. Aren't you looking forward to it? :)

Here is our little cutie with all her current attachments. The white tube on her chest is there to stay for a is her broviac catheter they installed on Monday. The big grey thing on her belly is the wound vac that is there to help her incision can see most of her incision just above the top of her diaper (it looks like a crease in her skin) It's healing quite nicely :)
Look! Summer's eyes are looking a little more blue!

Summer's chillin'
As Summer settles in to sleep, Morgan does too...watching Sponge Bob

I have been getting a little frustrated the last week or so waiting for more definite answers regarding Summer coming home. It seems like everyone I talk to says well, maybe next week... Monday was no different.

Today I got a lot of great answers. I talked with the med student watching Summer today and cornered her. She left for a while and came back with answers and sent in the nutritionist to talk to me. They have been increasing Summer's breast milk and reducing the TPN...she is now at 13 cc's an hour of milk and is condensed as far as she can be on her TPN. Tomorrow they are going to try and cycle her TPN (run it for a block of time and turn it off for a couple of hours). If she can maintain her blood sugar when they do this, we can play with the length of time she can be off it. At first it might only be 2-4 hours, but what a great 2-4 hours that would be! The nutritionist wants to get her figured out before she comes home so I can be trained on the regiment that is the best for her. Summer is in the 50th percentile on a preemie chart, her head is growing great, her length is good, and her weight is even a little heavier that it should be...she was happy about that! Summer is now 8 pounds 2 ounces :)

The wound vac is still you see in her picture...and is not sucking anything out. That is means there is no fistula (a small tube that would ooze bile), and the wound is healing nicely.

All the labs done today looked pretty good. The med student found out the results from her eye exam finally too...she is between stage 1-2, 1 being the best. So, there was a little improvement from her first two tests :)

The attending doc stopped in and said they are still looking toward next week for discharge and she looks good overall. We'll just keep waiting!