July 24, 2009 marked the one year anniversary of Brookes' passing. We decided to celebrate her, remember her, and focus on her on this day, rather than her birthday...since we want to make the focus be a celebration for every year we have Summer. The day was a lot harder than I thought it would be. We all spent the morning getting ready to go to visit Brooke's grave. We reflected on thoughts and feelings...it was really emotional. Before we left, we sat and watched the picture videos my hubby made of her...we all bawled our way through it.
We decided to visit the grave, then take the kids on an outing...so we headed for Tacoma. Tom and I got out and visited Brooke, left her some flowers from Grandma and Grandpa Norris, and added a special photo of Brooke to the basket of flowers left by Grandma Cameron. Grandma (Tom's mom) lives right around the corner from Mt. View Funeral home, so she has taken up the task of taking care of Brooke's plot....she keeps seasonal flowers there and visits often. We still haven't ordered the grave stone...haven't really been ready to, but hope to have it for next year.
After visiting, and wiping our eyes, we headed for Point Defiance Zoo. The kids love the zoo....it was a nice way to be together that day. We ended by eating dinner at a Mexican restaurant. We are thankful for all our kids....