March 2011...after the circus :)

Interesting events

The daily blah, blah, blah to follow...
Currently playing catch up on life! Documenting the last few months is going to take a while!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ok, identical twins it is! 12 1/2 weeks pregnant

Yesterday (4-2-08) we ran around hectic as any morning, running boys out to the school bus at 8:05 (please don't be late!), quick shower, throw on clothes, grab hubby (who, thankfully stayed home that morning), drop off Morgan at babysitter, drive like the wind. We got to our appt. with the high risk doctors (a little late as usual), signed some paperwork and waited. My stomach was in knots. I was nervous to find out exactly what was in store for me for the next few months. Tom, of course, checked his Blackberry a few times and chatted about work. He is very calm when it comes to all this. Of course, I don't exactly freak out, but I do have moments of temporary insanity! They called us back for the ultrasound and our day got better :) The tech (who is also an identical twin) was very excited about taking pics of our babies. You could tell she really loved her job and made us feel comfortable. I mentioned something about mono-mon twins and she said "they told you they were mono-mon?" Well, apparently, it is very common early in the first trimester to make that mistake. The membrane between the babies is so thin at that point, it is very hard to detect. Both Tom and I breathed a sigh of relief and began listing all the things I would once again be free to do for our family this summer. No hospital stay, not as much risk for babies, hopefully no NICU, maybe no C-section....these wereall things that were great news to me :) I actually started getting excited about this whole thing. When doctor Oxford had told us 3 weeks ago that there was a 20% mortality rate for mono-mono twins, and I would have to be hospitalized for months, then come home without our two tiny preemies in the NICU, I was not too excited about what was to come. This ultrasound changed it all for us! We got lots of great pictures of the babies, though baby A is a bit camera shy(like dad). I am actually getting kind of excited :) as long as I don't think about all the many sleepless nights, feedings, two sets of diapers, etc. etc. My friend Cathy tells me I will be really excited and enjoy them only when they are finally 18 ;) So, at this point, the babies look pretty close to the same size and no early indication of downs syndrome. I am free to see my regular doc with ultrasounds every two weeks to measure baby growth. Twin to twin transfusion syndrome is the main concern. As long as they grow well and all looks good, I may end up carrying them to term. My due date is Oct. 11, but for twins it is typically 36-37 weeks. I could end up with 8 pound twins after all! Well, we can only hope they are that healthy :)


Yvonne said...

Great photos! They are cute already...CONGRATULATION. Very exciting stuff. ;-) This means I get to make TWO baby quilt for you!!!

And welcome to Blogland!!!

Bonnie Bell Anderson said...

This is such great news! Mike's sister had twins, on their due date, 8 pounds each, give or take two ounces.

I'm glad you've got a blog!