March 2011...after the circus :)

Interesting events

The daily blah, blah, blah to follow...
Currently playing catch up on life! Documenting the last few months is going to take a while!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Nesting time is here! :)

This last week I spent going from couch to lawn chair cleaning out my kids' rooms. We had sooo many toys we could hardly walk in those rooms! Fortuneatly for me and my sanity, my friends Angie, Joyce and Jamie, and my parents of course, came to help. We worked like dogs, throwing away broken toys and sorting others for my mom's garage sale Saturday. Every day my dad hauled away boxes of priced items and I got to go on a field trip to my parent's house to sit in the driveway :) I made a little bit of money and my sis and I took the bulk of the leftovers to the DI truck at the church. Ahhh, I feel so cleansed of toys! Now that things are cleaned out, the boys are all moved in together and the babies' room is cleared out. Morgan's room got cleaned out, my dad took down the crib, and put up her new toddler bed. She thinks it's pretty fun to jump on and tuck her animals into, but sleeping in it is challenging! Oh well, she was climbing out of her crib anyway...ah, toddlers are so fun! :)


C said...

Sounds like some "Clean sweepin'" fun! I was up to the same dirty business last week. We have a room for the baby now, too bad it is painted in purple and pink bows (EEp)

Anne said...

Doesn't that feel good when that nesting thing takes over! You aren't using me,
melanie,don't forget to call me. Does Morgan like her new bed.
Keep up the good blogin!!!