March 2011...after the circus :)

Interesting events

The daily blah, blah, blah to follow...
Currently playing catch up on life! Documenting the last few months is going to take a while!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hearts and Flowers and a frog

Last weekend was Valentines...

It has always been my job in the past to go all out with gifts, flowers, cards, candy...etc. and my hubby's job to simply forget that holidays exist. Well, a couple of years ago, just when I had decided I was taking on his way, he caught on to how it's done (at least in my family). So now I am the one who is showered with nice, thoughtful gifts and candy. Tom got a card..oh, and a box of cherry chocolates. He usually brought me home a dozen roses from some street vendor in Seattle, but this time he bought some over prices bouquet at the store on his walk home from the bus. :) Isn't he sweet?

I had taken the boys shopping for Valentines for their classes and little Tom talked me into buying the stuffed frog (squeeze it and it makes a kissing sound) "for grandma". He was so sneaky...that night he asked me if I would be mad if he lied for a good reason? He was so cute...he gave me the frog on Valentine's day :)

Tom and I went to our Stake Valentine's dinner/dance and dragged Summer along with us. It was funny to see all the parents there who had left their babies at home googooing over her :) She was very popular! Isn't it sad? You long to have a break, and when you get it, all you do is talk about your kids and get sappy over others when yours isn't there. I guess that is what parenthood is really all about!

The theme for the evening was "Some Enchanted Evening". Somehow my hubby, along with my 3 best girlfriends, got roped into singing the theme song. They did a great job :) They wouldn't let me set foot anywhere near a stage though, so good thing I had to hold a baby !

So, next up is Easter....I am looking forward to all the chocolate I can steal from my kids, he he he!

1 comment:

Mindy Hales said...

I was guilty of taking a break from dancing with my hubby to hold sweet baby Summer. What a lovey little girl she is!!